Valeem Faculty Talk: Sir Dilawaiz ( O/ A level Chemistry)

Sir Syed Muhammad Dilawaiz is one of our highly qualified teachers. He has been associated with the profession of teaching for almost 7 years. With his true dedication towards his students, he helps them achieve good grades in O / A level chemistry.

During an interview with him, we asked what motivated him to  join this profession.

He replied, โ€ Initially I started teaching chemistry to a few of my classmates during university days. My friends used to get bored and sometimes puzzled due to this logic demanding subject. I considered thinking about every aspect of it in a logical manner, soon I realized that this subject has never been taught or taken at this very basic level of understanding. My motivation, since that day, is my own understanding of this subject, and I have been since then trying to make it easy in the same way. โ€œ

He keeps his students fully engaged during O/ A level chemistry class, asking them questions prior to teaching makes them feel more creative and intelligent and they try to answer them more appropriately. Through this, they never feel disconnected, neither the class becomes teacher-centric.

Over the past decade there has been a change in the education system both local and global.

โ€œEducation system has evolved a lot, with respect to teaching, understanding and assessment point of view. The demands of technology and science are growing rapidly with each day passing by, and to meet such demands, creative mindsets and collaboration must be adopted to bring changes to the fields and diversity. Education is playing an important role to bring people on the same pace of learning and thinking regardless of where and from which system they belongโ€, said Sir Dilawaiz.

โ€œHow do you manage students who seem distracted from studies?โ€

He answered, โ€œI try to refresh their view point about things around them. What I feel, distraction seems more appealing to them. I just try to make things clear to them, specially when they start feeling confident about the subject that is the point when they are no more distracted from the subject.โ€œ

Online teaching is a new concept and has brought challenges for the teachers. According to him, teaching science, especially online, requires a lot of homework done before conducting a session. Resources must be prepared well and aligned with the learning objectives. These online resources are not found easily, collecting and organizing them is a difficult task. 

An unforgettable memory 

 โ€œSince I have been teaching for O/ A level chemistry for almost seven years. One of my students used to come to take a few classes on just Sundays. She had appeared in 5070 and got D-Grade. Although she didnโ€™t take many classes but I still remember her words. She used to say โ€˜Sir I rely on your notes and classesโ€™. When results were announced, I was just sending messages that day and surprisingly she came in the evening to one of my places where I used to take classes, with a Cake to Thank that she got an A in Chemistry. I still believe she worked really hard, and the results we get as of our students, are not in our hands.โ€


To all of his students he advised, โ€œThe science you learn today, must help you grow tomorrow. If it doesnโ€™t, it was just information given to you. Think of your time as a container, and fill it with knowledge, not just information.โ€


