Time management to study more

In this highly competitive world, it is essential for students to manage their time effectively to study more and succeed. 

While some students are good at academics, poor time management spoils all of their efforts.

Here are a few tips on how to manage your time in order to study more 

Setting your targets

It is essential to set targets/goals either small or big while studying. A short term goal may be completing an assignment or homework within an hour or under the time frame provided while long term goals may include completing a specific number of chapters in these weeks, and allocation of time for different courses.



It is essential to study the important topics first. One must decide which tasks need to be done first. Make a planner for this purpose. A planner will help you organize your tasks one by one. By prioritizing, you will be able to accomplish these tasks, manage time effectively and study more.


Setup a dedicated study place

Always make sure to study in an area free from all sorts of distractions. Set up a dedicated study place. If it is not possible to set up a place like this at home. Try availing libraries and nearest coffee shops for the purpose of studying.


Avoid multitasking

A majority believes that multitasking is effective which is a clear misconception. Focusing on multiple tasks at a time divides attention and reduces efficiency. Therefore, one must put their attention on one thing at a time. This way productivity is increased as well.


Take breaks 

It is important that a student take short breaks/intervals while studying. Studying continuously without taking breaks will reduce their efficiency since they won’t be able to focus more. This will make their minds wander more thus more time wasted. Short breaks are therefore advised to recharge the student’s brain to study more.


Time management is the key to success. The more time you have, the better you’ll be able to study. Effective time management will help you stay organized and avoid procrastination.


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