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Throughout their educational journey, students face a number of issues on tutoring, course selection, career choices, personal grooming, and finances. These issues can be timely resolved if proper academic counseling is provided to them. Academic advising is the process of providing assistance to the students in their academics, future professional, and personal lives as well. These days it is quite imperative for schools and colleges to provide academic advising to their students due to the following reasons:   

Selection of courses

Selecting your majors may seem like an easy job. Students usually end up opting for the wrong courses due to a lack of knowledge and information. Academic advising is necessary as it guides the students in subject selection.  The counselor makes the students explore their interests on their own, this way they are able to choose their majors helping them in their future degree requirements as well.  

Learning Difficulties

Every student has a different learning pace. While most of the students can absorb the information delivered during the classroom in the given timeframe, some need special assistance. Advisors and counselors are able to identify such issues. Through academic counseling, a student may get over these hurdles and ace in their academics.  

Aid in developing soft skills 

For being successful in academics and personal lives, students must get their soft skills polished as well. An academic advisor may help the student become more confident, mentally strong, and capable. These skills will benefit them at the college/university level and at the professional level as well.  

Connect you with resources 

The academic advisors can be very helpful by connecting you with resources that may help you in academics as well as in your future. They help you find internships and job opportunities. Academic advising also aids you in understanding the industry trends.  

Helps you in understanding your rights and responsibilities

An academic advisor is going to guide the students about their rights and responsibilities.  A fresh student is usually unaware of the rights the institute offers to him and the same way what responsibilities are expected from his end. Through proper academic advising, the students can become confident about their rights and responsibilities for their duties.   Academic advisors are present not only to plan your academics, your career but your whole life. They ensure to make your school/college experience a wonderful and meaningful one. Check out our other Blogs which will help you in academics and visit our Youtube channel for more.