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At Valeem, we believe that learning outside the academic curriculum plays a vital role in personality building. In order to fulfill the gap various sessions and talks are organised under Valeem Skills Development Program.
We highly encourage the students as well as the teachers to actively take part and benefit from our training sessions.

Do you lack self awareness or have  low self-esteem ?

Are you always hesitant in taking risks ?

Do you avoid challenges in fear of failure ?

Are you someone who view feedback as negative criticism?


Do you hide your flaws to avoid judgement ?

If yes, then you are someone with a fixed mindset.  This mindset is hindering your success and personal growth. Fortunately you can change your mindset anytime. Its time to adopt a Growth Mindset

Valeem is therefore coming up with a live one hour interactive session on  “Developing   Growth Mindset”.  Learn different strategies and understand the difference between fixed and a growth mindset. Join the session and pave your path to success. 

  • What is a ‘Growth Mindset’ ?
  • Difference between a ‘Growth’ and a ‘Fixed’ mindset
  • What strategies should you use in order  to develop growth mindset skills
  • Q/A session to clear your doubts and queries.

 Students and Parents

The session has been specially designed for students on developing growth mindset and on practicing it. However parents too may attend the session to help their children learn the strategies for developing growth mindset.

Mr. Ali Rehan is an entrepreneur in the domain of Ed-Tech and holds a degree in BBA from IBA Karachi. His keen interest in areas of teaching and entrepreneurship led him to start his own company at a very young age. His startup Valeem has been serving students across 14 countries.Â