Cambridge O Level Chemistry (5070)
Instructors :
We at Valeem offer 1-on-1 Tuition for Cambridge O Level Chemistry.
Sessions Per Week: 3 sessions per week
Session Duration: 1Â Hour
Fee Per Month (One to One Tuition): PKR 8,000
Cambridge O Level Chemistry is recognized by universities and employers throughout the world as proof of knowledge and understanding. Successful Cambridge O Level Chemistry candidates gain lifelong skills, including:
• A better understanding of the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments
• Knowledge of the basic principles of chemistry through a mix of theoretical and practical studies
• An understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study at Cambridge International AS and A Level, and skills that are useful in everyday life
• How science is studied and practiced, and an awareness that the results of scientific research can have both good and bad effects on individuals, communities, and the environment.