Cambridge O Level Islamiyat (2058)
Instructors :
O-Level Islamiyat Group Classes schedule:
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Session Time: 7 pm to 8:15 pm
Course fee per month: Rs.6,999
Cambridge O Level Islamiyat is accepted by universities and employers as proof of ability and understanding. The Cambridge O Level Islamiyat syllabus encourages students to develop lifelong skills and knowledge, including:
• An understanding of the importance of the major beliefs of Islam and of the early history of the Islamic community
• Evaluation skills to understand how these beliefs impact the daily lives and thoughts of Muslims around the world
• Familiarity with the Qur’an and Hadith in Arabic.
• Acquire knowledge of the major sources of Islam, its main beliefs, and its early history.
• Develop an enquiring approach to the study of Islam.
• Identify and explore the religious, historical, and moral questions raised in the material they study.
Candidates should be able to demonstrate that they have closely studied the topics set. They should be
able to:
AO1: Recall, select, and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith and history of Islam
AO2: Demonstrate understanding of their significance in the teachings of Islam and in the lives of Muslims
Tutor Introduction:
“I am foreign law graduate from University of London. I am teaching the following syllabus of Cambridge International O Level Islamiyat for the past 8 years with two examination series. I have also taught A Level Islamic Studies to few students. Alhamdulillah! I have a strong academic track of my students. I provide notes of my own which are a mixture of notes of my own as well as notes of well known Islamiyat teachers. The purpose behind the notes is to help the student in scoring good academic grade. My lectures are detailed Islam’s history and believes and 99% of my students understood and did very well in their CIEs by the grace of Almighty Allah. After Covid-19 pandemic, I shifted myself to teaching online. I don’t work in a school, rather I prefer to teach the students in my own way. I taught this subject at various online institutes and am currently working with Valeem Online Institute. My experience with Valeem is amazing and they are providing the best education services.”
Join the O-Level Islamiyat Group Classes at Valeem today and ace your exam!
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