Edexcel International GCSE in Islamic Studies
Instructors :
Click for demo (if not purchased already): Edexcel International GCSE in Islamic Studies
For 1-on-1 Tuition
*Per Week Sessions: 3
*Session Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
*Monthly Tuition Fee: PKR 5,000
The aims and objectives of this qualification are to:
• develop students’ knowledge and develop understanding of the religion, history and culture of Islam, and to engage with questions in relation to contemporary and historical issues within Islam
• develop students’ ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of Islamic Studies
• understand the influence of factors previously and currently affecting individuals, communities and societies
• challenge students to reflect on and develop their own understanding of what they have learned, and contribute to their preparation for adult life in a global community.